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Merchant Directory Signup

July 2022

Dear Merchant,

Back Again for 2022-2023!

Each year, Young Israel of West Hempstead distributes an updated membership list and merchant directory to our members. We have more than 700 member families and continue welcoming new families every year, many of whom are uncertain as to which businesses to contact. The merchant directory is a convenient listing of businesses alphabetically arranged by type of business. Your listing will place your business name in front of our members, benefiting you - as well as helping support our organization.
Print advertisers are eligible to be included in our on-line merchant directory at for a discounted rate of an additional $50. We will either list your business name, contact information and a live link to your website or include a business card with a live link.
PLEASE NOTE: ALL Website Merchant directory listings MUST BE submitted by the deadline of August 31st.

When purchasing a one-quarter, one-half, or full-page ad, your business (name& phone number) will be included in the business by category section of the directory.  

When purchasing a one-quarter, one-half, or full-page ad, your business (name& phone number) will be included in the business by category section of the directory.  

Advertising rates are as follows:
1) Merchant Listing Name, address, tel#, fax#, email $60
2) One-Quarter Page (approx. business card size) $125
3) One-Half page $200
4) Full page $325
5) Full page back cover $425
6) Web Ad Only $125
7) Web Ad for Merchant Directory Advertisers $50


Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784